Lefty the Checker Playing Robot
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- Publication date
- 1984
- Topics
- checkers playing robot, Colne Robotics Company, Danny's Day, Omniplex, science museum, Oklahoma City, Science Museum Oklahoma, robot arm, checkers game, Atari BASIC, Atari 8-bit, 6502 assembly language
- Collection
- savetz_stacks; the_stacks
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 108.2M
Program code and various media mentions related to "Lefty" the world's first checker playing robot. It was installed at Omniplex, the Science and Arts Museum in Oklahoma City, OK, in November 1983.
The Atari BASIC/6502 machine language program was written by Scott Savage in 1983 and recovered in 2022 by members of the Atari community.
My interview with Scott Savage about this project will be posted soon.
- Addeddate
- 2022-04-14 20:06:08
- Identifier
- lefty-the-checker-playing-robot
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/s26z60chsr3
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e
- Ocr_detected_lang
- es
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Latin
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.15
- Ocr_parameters
- -l eng
- Ppi
- 300
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
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